Hae tetta er frett sem verdur likleg synd i skolabladinu eg vona ad tid skemmtid ykkur vel vid ad lesa tetta og eg aetla ad birta greinar sem eg skrifa fyrir bladid a tessari sidu svo njotid tid sjaid tetta a undan bandarikjamonnum sem bida spenntir eftir hverri grein sem eg skrifa Gledileg jol og gledilegt nytt ar og takk fyrir tad lidna.
I started thinking to day trying to figure out how long I’ve been here and then all the sudden I started to think about how this all began. I remember that I was looking on the pictures in my room drawn by my grandfather and thought about if i or my brother or my two sister were ever going to be an artist in any way, maybe one of my siblings are going to be an artist someday but what concerns me the greatest moment of my for example music carrier is when people actually pay me for not singing after all these deep thoughts my mom told me to come into the living room and tells me that my father and her have big news somehow I got the feeling that they hadn’t won the lottery but what could it be and then they told me Hjalti we want you to experience being an exchange student in America. I had a week to decide if I wanted to go, and just put your self in my position that it’s hard to decide to go for an year to another country but the decision was made I was going and that was it, I was just waiting for my flight in august but it’s not that easy, I had to do my favorite, loads of paperwork, the most memorable of that was when I was asked on a paper if I was indeed an terrorist hiding in those innocent blue eyes and also all of those shots I had to get before I was allowed in the USA I recall one day I almost couldn’t move my arm because I had tree shots in one hand. Well when all of this was done I went to a few AFS meetings over the summer learnt to be an angel brought to Americans by god so Americans would be blessed forever, didn’t quit happen I mean about the angel part but after a long and hard journey to Houston(by airplane) which included being frisked by an guy who looked like he had a special collection of leather gloves, for each and everyone he “searched”, I am not making this up , after this I went to Minneapolis we mist our flight to Houston because we had only half an hour to get to the plane to Houston and security on airports these days takes more than one and half hour you do the math, and even with my Viking sword and shield and my very masculine rarr the line on the airport didn’t move a bit. We stayed over the night at some AFS guys’ house and then there was finally time for me to meet Texas personally our very first “date” was in Houston, in Houston was just to hot for me so I asked about place where the weather was always beautiful and a place where a guy who is used to 25 to 70 Fahrenheit could live and they told about me that such place was only to be found in the north central of Texas, so I decided to follow that dream vision and I still am in dallas.