whatch out here de ice..ice..ice baby comes

Þetta blogg er sérstakt a Þann hátt ad sérlaga sérstakur maður hefur lagt sérstaklega mikla vinnu i að búa til allt kjaftæðið a þessari síðu reynt ad fá fólk til að hætta ad lesa en einhvern veginn bara gengur ekki né rekur ad fá fólk til að kíkja á eithvad annað en eg held ad rætur síðunar hjá hauki frænku hafi gert útslagid maðurinn sem kom með þá fleigu setningu "strákar ef þid eruð hommar þákomið þið bara til mín"og"comallyofaithful".Jámerkurmaðurhann seturí-idyfiríþróttakennaraauhomosexual.

Tuesday, December 09, 2008

Well what can i say it´s strange to be back, blogging but i have to say that it´s full filling a lifelong dream hehe i don´t know
It´s kind of strange i feel like I’m speechless but I’m still writing, it’s getting very Christmassy in Iceland we even have snow!!!! but my holiday mood isn't there yet and doesn´t really come on until the 24th when the steak is in the oven and my mom yelling at my father for not helping or doing something wrong, people might ask why that´s the time when i put on a smile that at least last through the 1 of January it is because when the yelling stops we sit down like the Brady bunch and have a good time and because the only reason for this yelling is that everything is suppose to be perfect at 6 o'clock on the 24th.
I love Christmas but i still haven´t got what i put on my Christmas list for my grandmother when i was 9 years old; it involved a computer, TV maybe a DVD and so on heheh that year i got the same as usual a book hehehhe.
People are kind of sad in Iceland right now, there money is gone or at least some of it so i think it´s good that it happened close to Christmas because Christmas is about the things in life that you can´t buy, at any price.
I mean I´m not talking about that Christmas would be the same if we would starve together as a family, no because even as the holiday person that I'm, I need my steak at six o'clock I´m simply meaning that the food wouldn´t be so delicious if the whole family wouldn´t be there.
I guess it´s true what Claudia said that even though i have to nothing to tell, my mouth will never close.
Merry Christmas to everyone
ps: the reason that I have decided to start blogging again is to refresh my English and I hope people will enjoy it :D
