haeb gott folk, eg er mjog anaegdur herna fjolskyldan hefur verid mjog anaegjuleg vid mig og flest allir hafa tekid mer vel fyrir utan kennnaranna en tad er lika frekar mikid lost case ad tad gerist einhvern timan. ------------------------------------------------------------------------annars er allt gott ad fretta af mer eg er buinn ad fa smjortefinn af hvernig skolakerfid i Dallas funkerar, hvad ma og hvad ma ekki, ----------------------------------------------------------Bandarikjamenn eru serstok tjod jafnvel to teir eru naestum 300 milljonir ta jafnast teir ekkert a 300 tusund manna tjod sem byr lengst ut a Nordur-Atlantshafi en aftur a moti kemur ad folkid skiptir ekki alltaf hofud mali t.d. eru hamborgarnir herna betri. En teir eru kannski adeins of parenoid en bara adeins,-----------------------------------------------------------------Eftir mina dvol i texas ta se eg ljosid i sambandi vid irak, bandarikjamenn voru ekki bara ad leita af oliu teir voru lika ad reyna ad setja sig a haan stall til ad geta sagt: Vid gerdum tad sem turfti medan Evropskutjodirnar svafu enn einu sinni a verdinum puff hvad tad er mikid lagt a bandarikjamenn teir gefa og gefa, mer finnst naestum tvi skylda min ad berjast fyrir hinn dada og kristna her sem misstyrmdi fongum i irak, ja hvar vaerum vid an bandarikjanna en hey eg a ad segja eithvad med bandarikjunum fyrst eg er nu einu sinni herna, teir gera eitt sem engin kemst einu sinni nalaegt teim i, tad er ad taka a moti nyju folki teir eru meistarar i tvi og teir hafa tekid mjog vel a moti mer,frelsi, jafnretti og braedralag er ur ser gengin vitleysa tvi folk veit betur nuna allavena betur en frakkar, lydveldi gengur ut a ad kaera eins marga og tu getur enda er tad tad sem lydveldid gengur ut a, einfaldlega af tvi ad tu mat tad, ef einhver segir eithvad vont vid husid titt, ta aetti hann ekki ad komast upp med tad, hann aetti ad vita tad hann gaeti att von a kaeru hvenaer sem er enda er ekki fallegt ad gera grin af daudum hlutum. en svo eg haetti ad bulla i sma stund og reyni ad gera eithvad ad viti ta kemur her ritgerdin min i ensku IV herna ef tid nennid ekki ad lesa hana sleppid henni bara hun jafnast ekkert a vid mitt besta eins og ast og hatur ritgerdina en tessi er agaett.------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------This is a story about a boy who drank a lot not alcohol but of ribena, and then passed out, he was having the time of his life or he thought he was, but this is a story about what ribena can do to young and innocent kids who are in the blossom.
I was watching Van Vilder and I thought to me self what a wonderful world, I’m thirsty so I went to the kitchen and got me some ribena and popcorn. What I didn’t know then but I know now is that a drink like Ribena, Which has a lot of sugar inn it, it can lead to an unpleasant end if you drink too much.
After I watched the movie I decided to go to sleep but first I brushed my teeth I felt something strange like the toothbrush couldn’t get to the teeth because it had too much sugar on it. I should have noticed then what was about to happen but it’s always easy to say that afterwards.
When I woke up next morning the world had changed, everything was dark except a little light. I couldn’t see the birds. Who were singing for me outside my window but I heard them. I felt like I had gone blind but by hearing the birds singing so beautifully it almost made a life of a blind man bearable. The next thing I did was to go to the kitchen and eat breakfast. When I got out of the kitchen the little light had gone it was pitch black.
I yelled to my mom and said I can’t see anything and she ran out of the dining room and caught me in my fall to the ground. I was l lying on the floor, my sister was calling 911 for an ambulance but she couldn’t speak. She was crying and the only thing she said was “my brother, my brother”. My mother took the telephone from her and I was brought to the hospital and there the doctor said that I had a sugar shock and I would be all right. The smile on my parents and my sister were more than I can describe in words
I think this story shows us that we can’t just eat what we want and get away with that but it also shows us that sometimes the situation looks bad but there is always hope. -----------------Skemmtid ykkur vel i skolanum hvort sem tad er mr eda verslo eda hvadan sem tid komid endilega sendid mer e-mail eda eithvad skemmtilegt alltaf gaman ad heyra eithvad fra ykkur ( eg vil minna a ad eg meinti ekki neitt med neinu sem gaeti modgad neinn og eg vill bydjast innilegrar afsokunar ef eg hef a einhvern hatt brotid log i texas eda yfir bandarikin oll med tessu bloggi minu) ykkar einlaegi, saklausi og djarfi drengur hjalti